Business Professionals of America (BPA)

The purposes of BPA are:

  • To develop student leadership and teambuilding techniques

  • To enhance public speaking skills and prepare for a world-class workforce

  • To improve poise, sociability, attitude, and tact

  • To develop business competencies and skills and make connections to the business world

  • To promote student ambition for useful purposes

  • To learn to plan effectively

  • To develop confidence and spirit of competition, and learn how to get along with others

  • To be given an opportunity to test individual skills at the regional, state and national competition levels

  • To become active in community service and be recognized at the local, regional, state and national levels

  • To meet with people of similar interests

  • To experience personal and professional growth

  • To provide a lifetime of opportunities

BPA is designed to take business and information technology skills from academic knowledge to real-world experiences and help make the classroom a motivating and interactive experience for all involved.

Business Professionals of America is the leading Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for students pursuing careers in business management, office administration, information technology and other related career fields.

The Workplace Skills Assessment Program (WSAP) prepares students to succeed and assess real-world business skills and problem solving abilities in finance, business administration, management information systems, digital communication and design and management, marketing and communication. It is BPA’s showcase program and facilitates students demonstrating their career skills at Regional, State and National level conferences in 86 competitive events.

BPA offers additional leadership and educational based programs including the National Leadership Academy, National Intern Program, Torch Awards Program, BPA Cares Program, Officer Elections, national partner opportunities, certifications and scholarships.

Clay students actively participate in both the competitive arena and the service aspect of BPA. Some students who have excelled in their events or service areas have been able to travel to Anaheim, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Indianapolis and Orlando to compete at the National level.

For more information:

Advisor: Mrs. Rhonda Hildebrand Advisor Email:

Business Professionals of America